2021 Albert M Galaburda Research Award – Call for Proposals
The Dyslexia Foundation is putting out a call for proposals for the Albert M. Galaburda Research Award, which is geared towards early and mid-career scientists. The winner of the award will receive $50,000 of funding over two years. The proposed research must be directly related to dyslexia…
Dyslexia and Literacy: Executive Functions – Oral Language Connections to Reading and Writing
Dyslexia and Literacy: Friday, October, 16th 2020 (Streaming Live) Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professionals “Executive Functions – Oral Language Connections to Reading and Writing” RegistrationRegistration for our Virtual Fall 2020...The Journey of an IDEA – Dr. Maryanne Wolf – Einstein Award Recipient
“The Journey of an IDEA” Presented at Dyslexia and Literacy: Understanding Executive functions, language, and reading, on Friday, October 18th, 2019. The UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center Maryanne Wolf, Ph.D. Maryanne Wolf is a scholar, a teacher,...TDF – Extraordinary Brain Symposium XVI
EXTRAORDINARY BRAIN SYMPOSIUM XVI All about Language: Science, Theory, and Practice Неделя языка: эксперименты, теория, практика St. Petersburg, Russia May 28—June 1, 2018. The meeting will include various language-related topics with targeted speakers in language...