TDF would like to thank everyone who attended our Fall 2018 conference “Language Connections to Reading”.
This conference was held on October 12, 2018, at:
The Joseph B. Martin Conference Center, Harvard Medical School and live remote viewing sites across the United States
Recorded segments for each of the talks will be made available soon on The Dyslexia Foundation’s website. Please check back soon.
Conference Speakers

The Developing Brain, Language, Reading, Heredity
Nadine Gaab, Ph.D
Dr. Gaab is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
Oral Language and Reading: Pre-K through Adolescence
Anthony Bashir, Ph.D
Dr. Bashir is a Professor Emeritus at Emerson College, Boston, MA.

Assessing children who struggle with dyslexia and literacy: Connecting Oral Language and Reading
Tiffany Hogan, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Dr. Hogan is a Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at MGH Institutes of Health, Boston, MA

Intervention: Integrating Technology, Oral Language and Reading
Sharon Plante, M.ED.
Ms. Plante is the Director of Technology at Southport School in Southport, CT.
For more information about future conferences, please contact William Baker at For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Will Baker at 941-807-0499.
A Special thank you to our sponsors
Wilson Language Training
Jemicy School
AIM Academy
Brehm Preparatory School
The Howard School
The Schenck School
The Southport School
Westmark School
Athena Academy
Camperdown Academy
Carroll School
Currey Ingram Academy
Marburn Academy
Neuhaus Educational Center
The New Community School
The Summit School
UCSF Dyslexia Center