TDF is pleased to announce that the Spring 2019 conference topic will be “Understanding executive functions, language, and reading”.
This conference will be held on February 15th, 2019 at:
The UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center
425 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 60095
Conference Agenda
7:30 – 8:30 a.m.

Maryanne Wolf, Ph.D.
Director of the Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice at the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies

Neurobiological Underpinnings for Executive Functions
8:40 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Laurie Cutting, Ph.D
Dr. Cutting is Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Special Education, Psychology, Radiology, and Pediatrics at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Executive Functions: Genetic, Behavioral, and Assessment Considerations
10:30 a.m. to 11:40 a.m.
Erik Willcutt, Ph.D.
Dr. Willcutt is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience and the Director of Clinical Training in the clinical psychology program in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Oral Language, Working Memory, and Executive Functions
11:40 a.m. to 12:40 a.m.
Bonnie Singer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Dr. Singer is the Founder/CEO of Architects For Learning, where she trains educators, consults with schools worldwide and directs a staff in the Boston area that provides academic intervention, assessment, and consultation services.
12:40 p.m. – 1:40 p.m.

Classroom Strategies that Facilitate Executive Functions
1:40 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Kelly Cartwright, Ph.D.
Kelly Cartwright is a professor of psychology, neuroscience, and teacher preparation at Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA.
A Special thank you to our sponsors
Wilson Language Training
Jemicy School
AIM Academy
Brehm Preparatory School
The Howard School
The Schenck School
The Southport School
Westmark School
Athena Academy
Camperdown Academy
Carroll School
Currey Ingram Academy
Marburn Academy
Neuhaus Educational Center
The New Community School
The Summit School
UCSF Dyslexia Center